Who does the center serve?
All people who are facing financial difficulties in paying for health care are welcome to make an appointment at the Methow Herbal Health Center.
All are welcome regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender, beliefs, ability to pay and physical capabilities. All ages are welcome, those under the age of 18 must be accompanied by parent or guardian.
How does an herbal consultation work?
If you are interested in making an appointment, please call Rosalee at 509-557-3660. Office hours are on Monday afternoons. At the appointment you'll fill out a short intake form and then Rosalee and you will discuss your main complaints in-depth. Rosalee may ask to look at your tongue and feel your pulse on both of your wrists.
Depending on the person the appointment lasts from 30 minutes to one hour.
How much does the consultation cost?
A one-hour consultation and herbal formula is on a sliding scale of 0-$50. Everyone receives the same level of care regardless of what they pay. All incoming money is used to support the center by purchasing herbs and supplies.
I am not considered low-income. Can I still sign up for an herbal consultation?
Absolutely. Please click here to visit Rosalee's personal webpage to learn more about her herbal consultations.